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Thinking About Going Vegan?

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Take My Free Go Vegan Challenge and Make the Switch to Plant-Based Eating in Just 30 Days


Which food movement has increased in popularity by 600% in the past five years?

It’s veganism. A 100% plant-based eating lifestyle.

Why is it getting more and more popular? Because there’s a growing body of scientific evidence that has emerged on the advantages of eating plants over animals. 

Compared to non-vegetarian diets, plant-based eating is linked to a significantly lower risk of diseases like obesity, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, hypertension, and cancer. 

Other benefits include lower cholesterol and blood pressure levels, and a decreased risk of developing things like cataracts, kidney stones, and gout.

Maybe that’s why Nielsen research says 39% of Americans are trying to eat more plant-based foods. Or why Google Trends found in recent years that interest in veganism is an all-time high. Changes brought on by the global pandemic actually accelerated sales of plant-based foods by 90%, as more people sought a healthy and sustainable diet. 

But if you’ve been thinking about making the switch—or even just trying to introduce more vegan foods into your diet—you’ve probably run into a common problem.

It can be SO confusing if you’re trying to get started… 

That is, until now.

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When you join the 30-Day Go Vegan Challenge, we'll take you step-by-step through everything you need to know to confidently add more plant-based foods to your diet — or even go completely vegan!

Right away, we’ll send you a FREE copy of the Go Vegan Toolkit, which will give you all the essential tools you need to start or experiment with a plant-based diet.

Next, we’ll introduce you to 30 essential recipes that are ideal for those just getting started with plant-based eating. You can pick a few, give them a try, and add your favorites to your diet. Or you can dive in and commit to learning a new plant-based recipe each day. 

At the end of a single month, you’ll have enough ideas and experience to take it to whatever level of plant-based eating you’re excited about — whether that’s replacing one meal a day or switching your diet to 100% plant powered.

Here are some of the essential tips and tools you'll receive as part of the Go Vegan Challenge:

  • A comprehensive vegan meal planning guide to give you the confidence to take your new vegan diet into your hands
  • 30 days of plant-based recipes perfect for those starting on the vegan lifestyle delivered once a week along with indispensible tips and info
  • A bonus 7-day vegan meal plan with recipes, so you’ll you can go all-in on your first week if you want
  • A vegan meal planner form to make planning easy and fast
  • A full vegan shopping guide and shopping list form to take the stress and anxiety out of trying to shop vegan at the grocery store or online
  • A vegan pantry guide to let you know what to keep in the cupboard so you’ll never be out of the essentials, and
  • A vegan equipment list detailing everything you need in the kitchen, so meal prep goes smoothly

Plus, as a bonus, we’ll include a full list of vegan “nutrients of concern”—an easy-to-follow guide to topping up your plant-based diet with essential nutrients you need for optimal health. Make sure you’re getting these dietary supplements, and you’ll never have to worry about nutrition again!

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Are you ready to take the Go Vegan Challenge?

Everything you need to get started on a plant-powered lifestyle is ready and waiting for you. Just fill out the short form below and click “Submit.”

Then, when you sign up, we’ll send you even MORE helpful tips! You’ll learn how to get organized so vegan eating is a snap, how to plan your meals smartly and nutritiously, and how to “live the goodness”!

Join the 30-Day Go Vegan Challenge today and make this the month you say yes to the power of plant-based eating.

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